Teraa Discus Mineral has been specially designed to remineralize RO water, Rainwater, Desalinated water to produce perfect living conditions for Discus fish and other soft water fishes of the same habitat.
Our discus mineral dissolves quickly and it’s easy to use. It also furthers plant growth, microbial regeneration of biological filter substances.
This product should only be used with ro water, rainwater, desalinated water. This product raises the total hardness (°dH) without raising the carbonate hardness(KH). Our mineral follows a (°dH) to (KH) ratio of 6:1
Dosage: Please dose 3.5 to 4gm to 25iters of RO water/rainwater/purified water to reach an A GH Of 6, KH 1, Conductivity Of 200 +/- 50. Measuring spoon enclosed. enclosed.
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